My whole life I have been angry at the school system in Sweden who in my opinion don’t put much resources to the students that are ahead of class.
Instead the focus is on the students that slow the class down. Those are the ones that get extra help, a 1:1 teacher.
In my head this blocks evolution, prevents learning, and demotivates the students that have the drive to learn to explore.
But this morning as I discussed the topic with my husband I saw it from a new perspective.
I realised that it has been a blessing to be “left alone”. This taught me to be self sufficient, to be self reliant, to try myself first and to ask questions when I was stuck.
It created the container for me to exercise the very muscles I needed to build self trust, confidence and independence.
What a beautiful gift to give anyone, especially oneself.
From this perspective I can say that I’m grateful for the way the educational system was set up during my school years.
#change #perspective #bitterness #gratitude #whenyouchangeeverythingchanges