One Problem, One Solution
We often believe we have a million different problems. From work stress, relationship conflicts, and health issues to daily inconveniences—life can feel overwhelming. But what if I told you that, in reality, there is only one problem? And therefore, only one solution?
The problem is always that we are disconnected from Love.
The solution? Reconnecting to Love.
What is Love?
Let’s clarify: I’m not talking about romantic love. Love, as I mean it, is an approach and an energy. It’s warm, open, friendly, flexible, curious, compassionate, and willing to listen. Love is about seeking to understand rather than judge.
When we stand in Love, we access the prefrontal cortex—the smart part of our brain. From this space, we tap into creative thinking, see new possibilities, and think in terms of win-win-win solutions: a win for me, a win for you, and a win for the whole.
What Happens When We Disconnect From Love?
When we are disconnected from Love, we enter fear. Fear, as an energy, is cold, closed, selfish, inflexible, and judgmental. It focuses on being right and correcting others rather than understanding them.
Standing in fear activates the emotional and survival centres of the brain—the most primitive and reactive parts. In this state, we resort to black-and-white thinking, narrow-mindedness, and zero-sum thinking where only one person can win.
Recognising Fear in Daily Life
Fear can be triggered multiple times a day. It might be caused by a train delay, an email from an unhappy customer, or a comment from your spouse. You’ll know you’re emotionally triggered when you feel closed off, defensive, or more focused on being right than finding a solution to move forward.
How to Reconnect with Love
Your only job when you feel disconnected is to find a way back to Love. Here are some strategies I use that might help:
10 deep breaths: This simple practice calms the nervous system and brings you back to the present moment.
Jump and shake: Moving your body helps release tension and reset your energy.
Zoom out: Remind yourself of the bigger picture. Is this situation as catastrophic as it feels right now?
Shift your mindset: Remember that life is happening for you, not to you. Every challenge is an invitation to grow.
Challenge your thoughts: Ask yourself, “What would Love say or do in this situation?”
A New Experience of Life
When you reconnect with Love, you change your experience of the situation. Suddenly, your mind becomes more open and solution-oriented. You see things from a fresh perspective and find new, creative ways to move forward.
So next time life triggers you, pause. Breathe. Connect back to Love. The solutions will follow.